
From electricity to natural gas, clean water, and sewer services, as well as extensive and overlapping fiber capacity, the Dodge County Eastman region’s utility providers have developed robust systems capable of accommodating the needs of even the most demanding industries. Furthermore, many of our business parks and certified Shovel-Ready sites have been strategically developed with essential infrastructure, including water, sewer, power, natural gas, and a robust fiber network.

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Georgia Power

Georgia Power, an investor-owned, tax-paying utility, proudly serves 2.35 million customers across all but four of Georgia’s 159 counties. As the largest among four electric utilities comprising Southern Company, Georgia Power has been steadfastly providing electricity to the state of Georgia for over a century, consistently offering rates that are well below the national average.

Ocmulgee EMC

Ocmulgee EMC is organized as a cooperative, owned by its members.

Natural Gas

Georgia Natural Gas

Natural gas in Dodge County is provided via transmission system — Georgia Natural Gas Pipeline through the City of Eastman.

Sewage and Water

City of Eastman

The City of Eastman provides sewage service to Eastman, GA with a 12 million gallons per day capacity.


Multiple Providers

The Dodge County Eastman region boasts multiple providers offering high-speed Internet options, including DSL, cable, fiber optics, and wireless connectivity, ensuring a range of choices for businesses and residents alike.